The part number 170-PW146 is a product from Rockwell Automation, specifically designed for power wiring kits and wye-delta power wiring kits. It is part of the Power Wiring Kits Wye-Delta Power Wiring Kits product line. The product details are available on the .
The product is designed for use in industrial settings, particularly in applications where power wiring kits and wye-delta power wiring kits are required. It is likely used in industrial automation systems, such as manufacturing facilities, power plants, or other industrial settings where reliable power distribution is crucial.
The technical specifications and details of the product are not publicly available due to the proprietary nature of the product and the company's business practices. Therefore, further information on the product's technical specifications, alarm/error codes, user manuals, troubleshooting, programming, and installation cannot be provided based on our research.
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