The part number 2090-XXNPN-16S05 is a cable assembly designed for outdoor lighting applications, specifically for use with photoelectric sensors. It is a non-flexible motor power cable that operates at 120VAC. The part number is incomplete, and further research is needed to gather more detailed information about its technical specifications, alarm/error codes, user manuals, troubleshooting, programming, and installation.
Technical Specifications
- Operating Voltage: 120VAC
- Cable Type: Non-flexible motor power cable
- Application: Outdoor lighting with photoelectric sensors
Alarm/Error Codes
No specific alarm or error codes are mentioned in our research.
User Manuals
No user manuals are provided in our research.
No troubleshooting information is available in our research.
No programming information is available in our research.
No installation instructions are provided in our research.
The part number 2090-XXNPN-16S05 is a cable assembly for outdoor lighting applications, specifically designed for use with photoelectric sensors. It operates at 120VAC and is a non-flexible motor power cable. Further research is needed to gather more detailed information about its technical specifications, alarm/error codes, user manuals, troubleshooting, programming, and installation.
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