The part number 2090-CPWM7DF-14AF07 appears to be related to an Instrumented Treadmill manufactured by Bertec Corporation. This treadmill is designed for use in research and rehabilitation settings, primarily for testing human subjects wearing typical footwear or no footwear. It is not intended for use with metal sports cleats or wheelchairs.
The treadmill features a number of strain gauged load transducers and a built-in digital pre-amplifier for signal conditioning. It is equipped with a specific electric cord and plug, which must be connected to a proper electric circuit without the use of adapters. The product has several safety labels and warnings, including cautions about holding handrails while stepping on or off the treadmill, avoiding injury from pinch points, and not exceeding the maximum load capacity.
The Instrumented Treadmill has a control cabinet with a power switch, status lights, door handle, and a Remote E-Stop Pendant. The power switch must be in the on position for the cabinet door to remain locked, and the key for the door handle should be stored safely. The status lights indicate the power, motor, and fault conditions of the treadmill. The control cabinet contains power circuitry that operates at dangerous levels and should not be accessed by users.
The treadmill also features an optional incline system that allows for uphill and downhill movements up to 15 degrees, as well as an overhead structure and harness for ensuring subject safety during testing. The Remote E-Stop Pendant is tethered to the control cabinet and allows the user to stop the treadmill belts or incline in case of an emergency.
Technical Specifications:
- Strain gauged load transducers
- Built-in digital pre-amplifier for signal conditioning
- Specific electric cord and plug
- Operating voltage, current, and frequency specified on safety labels
Alarm/Error Codes:
No specific alarm or error codes mentioned in the manual
User Manuals:
The manual provided is the Instrumented Treadmill Manual by Bertec Corporation
No specific troubleshooting procedures mentioned in the manual
No programming information available in the manual
The manual provides general safety and installation guidelines, but specific installation procedures are not detailed. It is recommended that qualified service personnel handle any reconnections or modifications to the product.
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