The part number 193-EEBB is an Allen-Bradley product, specifically an E1 Plus 5.4-27 A IEC Overload Relay. This product is designed for motor protection and overload detection in industrial applications. It is certified with various international certifications including China CCC, Australian RCM, and Eurasion Economic Community certifications as of 2024-01-16.
Technical Specifications
The technical specifications for this product are available in the product catalog. For detailed information on the product's specifications, users should consult the catalog or the technical data publication number 193-TD011.
Alarm/Error Codes
The product documentation does not provide specific information on alarm or error codes for this product. For troubleshooting and error resolution, users should refer to the user manual or technical data publication.
User Manuals
The user manual for this product is available in the Literature Library results. Users can find all available product literature for this product by searching for the publication number 193-TD011.
Troubleshooting information for the 193-EEBB is not explicitly provided in our research. For troubleshooting and error resolution, users should refer to the user manual or technical data publication.
The product documentation does not provide specific information on programming for this product. For programming instructions, users should consult the user manual or technical data publication.
The product documentation does not provide specific installation instructions for this product. For installation instructions, users should consult the user manual or technical data publication.
In summary, the 193-EEBB is an Allen-Bradley E1 Plus 5.4-27 A IEC Overload Relay designed for motor protection and overload detection. It is certified with various international certifications and has technical specifications available in the product catalog. For detailed information on the product's specifications, user manuals, troubleshooting, programming, and installation, users should consult the product catalog, user manual, or technical data publication.
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