The part number 1606-XLS960F appears to be a technical specification for a product from NHP, a company that specializes in providing electrical and automation solutions. our research provided are from the NHP Part R Technical Catalogue, which outlines various products and their technical specifications.
The part number 1606-XLS960F does not seem to be directly mentioned in the provided catalog. It is possible that this part number is specific to a particular product or model that is not included in the catalog or that it is not a standard product from NHP.
However, the catalog does provide information on various products such as control switches, reversing switches, and voltmeter selector switches, which are all part of the electrical automation solutions offered by NHP. These products are designed for use in industrial settings, such as manufacturing facilities, and are intended to provide reliable and efficient control over electrical systems.
The catalog also includes technical specifications for these products, including their ratings, dimensions, and features. For example, it lists the different types of handles available for the control switches, including those with ø 22.5 mm hole-mounting styles, and provides details on the legend markings and pricing for these products.
In terms of alarm and error codes, troubleshooting, programming, and installation, the catalog does not provide specific information on these topics. However, it does suggest that customers should contact NHP sales for further information on these aspects of the products.
Overall, while our research do not provide direct information on the part number 1606-XLS960F, they do offer insights into the types of products and technical specifications that NHP offers in the field of electrical automation solutions.