The part number 150-SPP317B is a repair part for a power pole, specifically designed for a solid-state motor controller. It is rated for 480V and 317A, making it suitable for high-power applications. The technical specifications for this part are not explicitly detailed in our research, but they can be found in the product catalog or technical data sheets.
Alarm/Error Codes
our research do not provide specific information on alarm or error codes for this part number. It is likely that these codes are detailed in the user manual or technical data sheets, which can be accessed through the Literature Library on the Rockwell Automation website.
User Manuals
The user manual for this part number is listed as 150-UM011. This manual provides detailed information on the installation, operation, and troubleshooting of the motor controller repair part.
Troubleshooting information for this part number is not explicitly detailed in our research. However, the user manual and technical data sheets are likely to provide guidance on troubleshooting common issues with the motor controller.
our research do not provide specific information on programming for this part number. It is likely that programming details are included in the user manual or technical data sheets.
The installation details for this part number are not explicitly detailed in our research. However, the user manual and technical data sheets are likely to provide guidance on the proper installation procedures for the motor controller repair part.
In summary, the part number 150-SPP317B is a repair part for a solid-state motor controller, rated for 480V and 317A. While detailed technical specifications are not provided in our research, the user manual and technical data sheets are available through the Literature Library on the Rockwell Automation website, which likely include information on alarm/error codes, troubleshooting, programming, and installation.
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