The part number 150-A97NCDB-8M6 is a discontinued product from Rockwell Automation's Allen-Bradley brand, specifically a Smart Motor Controller (SMC) under the SMC-2 series. It was designed for pump control applications and has a controller rating of 97 amps. The product was discontinued, and no longer available for sale, as of 2012-02-13T00:00:00.000Z.
Technical Specifications
The technical specifications for this product are not explicitly listed in our research. However, the user manual and technical data publications are available for download from the Literature Library results.
Alarm/Error Codes
No specific information on alarm or error codes for this product was found in our research.
User Manuals
The user manual for this product is available for download from the Literature Library results under the publication number 150-UM007.
Troubleshooting information for this product is not explicitly provided in our research. However, the user manual and technical data publications may contain troubleshooting guides or procedures.
No specific information on programming for this product was found in our research.
No specific information on installation for this product was found in our research. However, the user manual and technical data publications may contain installation guides or procedures.
Key Sectors
- Technical Specifications: The technical specifications for this product are not explicitly listed in our research. However, the user manual and technical data publications are available for download from the Literature Library results.
- Alarm/Error Codes: No specific information on alarm or error codes for this product was found in our research.
- User Manuals: The user manual for this product is available for download from the Literature Library results under the publication number 150-UM007.
- Troubleshooting: Troubleshooting information for this product is not explicitly provided in our research. However, the user manual and technical data publications may contain troubleshooting guides or procedures.
- Programming: No specific information on programming for this product was found in our research.
- Installation: No specific information on installation for this product was found in our research. However, the user manual and technical data publications may contain installation guides or procedures.