The Allen-Bradley part number 150-A35NB-ND is a Smart Motor Controller (SMC-2) designed for industrial automation applications. It is a discontinued product, which means it is no longer available for purchase or sale. The product was discontinued in 2008 and replaced by the 150-C37NBD.
Technical Specifications
The technical specifications for the 150-A35NB-ND are not provided directly on our research. However, other sources indicate that the controller supports a maximum HP rating of 10 HP at 200/230 VAC, 25 HP at 460 VAC, and 30 HP at 575 VAC, with corresponding maximum kW ratings of 10 kW at 200 VAC, 18.5 kW at 380 VAC, and 22 kW at 575 VAC.
The documentation available for the 150-A35NB-ND includes a user manual (150-UM007) and technical data (150-TD008). These documents can be accessed through the Literature Library results on the Rockwell Automation website.
Troubleshooting and Programming
Troubleshooting and programming information for the 150-A35NB-ND are not readily available from our research. However, users can refer to the user manual and technical data provided for the product, which may contain troubleshooting and programming guidelines.
The installation details for the 150-A35NB-ND are not provided in our research. However, users can consult the user manual and technical data for the product, which may include installation instructions and guidelines.
Alarm and Error Codes
Alarm and error codes for the 150-A35NB-ND are not directly mentioned in our research. However, users can refer to the user manual and technical data for the product, which may contain information on alarm and error codes.
Key Sectors
- Technical Specifications: The technical specifications for the 150-A35NB-ND are not provided directly on our research. However, other sources indicate that the controller supports a maximum HP rating of 10 HP at 200/230 VAC, 25 HP at 460 VAC, and 30 HP at 575 VAC, with corresponding maximum kW ratings of 10 kW at 200 VAC, 18.5 kW at 380 VAC, and 22 kW at 575 VAC.
- Alarm / Error Codes: Alarm and error codes for the 150-A35NB-ND are not directly mentioned in our research. However, users can refer to the user manual and technical data for the product, which may contain information on alarm and error codes.
- User Manuals: The user manual for the 150-A35NB-ND is available and can be accessed through the Literature Library results on the Rockwell Automation website.
- Troubleshooting: Troubleshooting and programming information for the 150-A35NB-ND are not readily available from our research. However, users can refer to the user manual and technical data provided for the product, which may contain troubleshooting and programming guidelines.
- Programming: Troubleshooting and programming information for the 150-A35NB-ND are not readily available from our research. However, users can refer to the user manual and technical data provided for the product, which may contain troubleshooting and programming guidelines.
- Installation: The installation details for the 150-A35NB-ND are not provided in our research. However, users can consult the user manual and technical data for the product, which may include installation instructions and guidelines.