The part number 1492-SP1C010-N is related to the NHP Bulletin 140UE Moulded Case Circuit Breakers (MCCBs) from NHP. The product is designed to provide reliable and efficient electrical protection for various applications.
Technical Specifications
The Bulletin 140UE MCCBs are available in different frame sizes (H, J, L, and N) and are rated for various short-circuit levels (kA) and maximum discrimination settings. The technical specifications detailed in the catalog include:
- Breaker Rating (A): 250, 320, 400, 500, 630, 800, 1250, 1600
- Short-circuit levels (kA): 50, 70, 18, 25, 45, 65
- Maximum discrimination settings: Upstream (max. settings) with "T" representing max. discrimination to kA rating level of the downstream device
Alarm/Error Codes
The catalog does not provide specific information on alarm or error codes for the Bulletin 140UE MCCBs.
User Manuals
The user manuals for the Bulletin 140UE MCCBs are not explicitly mentioned in our research. However, they can likely be accessed through the NHP website or by contacting NHP directly.
Troubleshooting procedures for the Bulletin 140UE MCCBs are not provided in our research. However, troubleshooting guides can often be found in the user manuals or through NHP's technical support resources.
The Bulletin 140UE MCCBs are electrical devices that do not require programming. They operate based on electrical signals and are designed to provide reliable circuit protection.
The installation procedures for the Bulletin 140UE MCCBs are not detailed in our research. However, installation guides can likely be accessed through the NHP website or by contacting NHP directly.