The Allen-Bradley 1489-AMCL306 is a miniature circuit breaker (MCB) accessory designed for use with the 1489 series MCBs. It is a bus bar accessory that supports three-phase connections and is UL listed. The product is not cuttable and features six pins for connecting two three-pole MCBs.
Technical Specifications
The technical specifications for the 1489-AMCL306 are not provided in our research, but they can be found in the product catalog or selection guide. For detailed specifications, it is recommended to consult the official documentation from Rockwell Automation or other authorized sources.
Alarm/Error Codes
No information on alarm or error codes specific to the 1489-AMCL306 was found in our research.
User Manuals
The user manuals for the 1489-AMCL306 are not provided in our research. For detailed instructions on installation, operation, and troubleshooting, it is recommended to consult the official documentation from Rockwell Automation or other authorized sources.
Troubleshooting information for the 1489-AMCL306 was not found in our research. For assistance with troubleshooting or resolving issues with the product, it is recommended to contact Rockwell Automation or authorized service providers.
The 1489-AMCL306 is a hardware component and does not require programming. It is designed to provide electrical protection and support for three-phase connections in industrial applications.
The installation of the 1489-AMCL306 involves connecting it to the 1489 series MCBs and ensuring proper electrical connections. The product is not cuttable, so it should be installed according to the manufacturer's instructions and local electrical codes. For detailed installation instructions, it is recommended to consult the official documentation from Rockwell Automation or other authorized sources.
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