is a Reflective Wave Filter manufactured by Rockwell Automation. It is designed to protect against fast dv/dt rise times in IGBT drive applications with long drive-to-motor lead lengths. The product is part of the Allen-Bradley RWR series of devices that help reduce the effects of reflected waves in motor cable systems.Technical Specifications
- Rating: 100A
- Voltage: 600V
- Product Type: Reflective Wave Filter
- Material Enclosures: IP00 (Open), IP20 (Terminal Block), and IP11 (NEMA/UL Type 1) for different applications.
Alarm/Error Codes
No specific information on alarm or error codes is provided in our research. However, it is likely that the product would have standard error codes and alarm messages that are typical of similar products in the industry. These codes would be documented in the user manual or technical documentation provided by Rockwell Automation.
User Manuals
The user manual for the 1321-RWR100-EP is likely to be part of the larger documentation package provided by Rockwell Automation for the Allen-Bradley RWR series of products. This documentation would include installation, operation, and troubleshooting guides, as well as technical specifications and safety information.
Troubleshooting for the 1321-RWR100-EP would involve identifying and resolving issues related to the filter's operation, such as incorrect installation, faulty components, or interference from other electrical systems. The user manual and technical documentation would provide guidance on troubleshooting procedures and potential solutions.
The 1321-RWR100-EP is a hardware component and does not require programming in the classical sense. However, it may be integrated into a larger system that involves programming, such as a control system or a motor drive. In such cases, the programming would be done using software tools and languages specific to the system, not the filter itself.
The installation of the 1321-RWR100-EP involves connecting it to the motor cable system and ensuring proper grounding and shielding. The user manual and technical documentation would provide detailed instructions on the installation process, including any specific requirements for the environment in which the filter is used.
In summary, the 1321-RWR100-EP is a Reflective Wave Filter designed to protect against fast dv/dt rise times in IGBT drive applications with long drive-to-motor lead lengths. It is part of the Allen-Bradley RWR series of devices and is manufactured by Rockwell Automation. The product's technical specifications, user manual, troubleshooting procedures, and installation instructions are all available through Rockwell Automation's documentation and support resources.
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