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PanelView 1000 Terminals Guide: Troubleshooting, Support, and Maintenance Tips

Troubleshooting and Technical Support for PanelView 1000 Terminals

Common Issues and Solutions

PanelView 1000 terminals, like any other electronic device, can experience a range of problems. Below is a list of frequent issues users may encounter and corresponding solutions:

1. Clock Module Battery Low

Issue: A “Clock Module Battery Low” message is displayed.
Solution: This can occur due to internal parameters being corrupt or a clock module battery failure. Reload the application and power cycle the terminal. If the problem persists, replace the clock module as described in the instructions provided with the clock module kit【18:7†source】【18:9†source】.

2. Issues with Memory Card

Cannot transfer application from memory card:
Solution: Ensure the memory card is correctly installed. If the application is too large for the terminal memory, reduce the size of the application file. If the data checksum is incorrect, verify the correct seating of the memory card as it might be corrupt【18:7†source】【18:10†source】.

3. Problems with Screen Objects

Issue: Screen objects do not function properly.
Solution: This could be due to the terminal not communicating with the controller. Check the status of the COMM Status indicator. If the terminal is in screen saver mode, access the Screen Setup from the terminal configuration mode and verify if the terminal is in screen saver mode【18:7†source】【18:10†source】.

Technical Support

If you encounter any technical issues with your PanelView 1000 terminal that cannot be resolved through basic troubleshooting, technical support is available to assist you.

Contact Information

For immediate assistance, you can reach out to Rockwell Automation's technical support. They provide support for installation, configuration, and troubleshooting:

  • United States: Call 1.440.646.3434, Monday – Friday, 8 am – 5 pm EST.
  • Outside United States: Contact your local Rockwell Automation representative for any technical support issues.

For detailed information and additional resources like technical manuals, knowledge bases, FAQs, and sample code, visit the Rockwell Automation support website at【18:2†source】.

New Product Satisfaction Return

Rockwell Automation ensures that all products are fully operational when shipped. If your product is not functioning correctly and needs to be returned, follow these procedures:

  • United States: Contact your distributor and provide a Customer Support case number to complete the return process.
  • Outside United States: Contact your local Rockwell Automation representative for the return procedure.

Maintenance Tips

Proper maintenance of the PanelView 1000 terminals ensures their longevity and optimal performance. Follow the guidelines below:


Touch Screen: Use ethyl alcohol (ethanol) on a cotton gauze pad. This is more efficient than isopropyl alcohol and safer than methyl ethyl ketone (MEK). MEK can discolor the bezel if the paint surface is broken or scratched【18:1†source】.

Keypad: Use a 50% solution of alcohol (ethanol or isopropyl) in water on a cotton gauze pad or soft cotton cloth. Avoid abrasive cleaners. Mild soap or detergent and warm water can also be used【18:1†source】.

Enclosure: Clean the enclosure using a 50% solution of alcohol in water on a cotton gauze pad or soft cotton cloth. Do not apply the cleaning solution directly to the enclosure to avoid damaging internal components【18:1†source】.

CRT Intensity

For PanelView 1200e and 1400e terminals, controlling CRT intensity can extend its life. Adjust the color contrast and brightness controls on the terminal to operate the CRT at a lower intensity【18:1†source】.

Fan Filter

For PanelView 1200e and 1400e terminals, clean the fan filter whenever it appears clogged to ensure effective cooling and prevent overheating【18:1†source】.


Troubleshooting and maintaining your PanelView 1000 terminals is crucial for their efficient and long-lasting operation. By following the common solutions, contacting technical support when necessary, and adhering to maintenance tips, you can ensure that your terminals operate at their best.