The Allen-Bradley Rockwell Automation VPL-B1152C-PK12AA is a servo motor designed for use in industrial applications. It belongs to the Kinetix VP Lo series, which is known for its low inertia and high performance. This motor is particularly suited for applications that require precise control and high speed, such as in robotics, packaging, and material handling systems.
Technical Specifications:
- Voltage Class: 480V AC
- Frame Size: 115mm Bolt Circle Frame Size
- Stack Length: 2 (Two) Magnet Stacks
- Rated Speed: 2500 RPM
- Encoder: Multi-turn
- Shaft: Keyless
Alarm/Error Codes:
The VPL-B1152C-PK12AA servo motor does not have specific alarm or error codes listed in our research. For detailed information on error codes or troubleshooting, it is recommended to consult the user manual or contact the manufacturer's support team.
User Manuals:
The user manual for the VPL-B1152C-PK12AA is not directly accessible through our research. However, it is likely available from the manufacturer's website or through a direct request to Rockwell Automation's support team.
Troubleshooting information for the VPL-B1152C-PK12AA is not readily available through our research. For specific troubleshooting guidance, it is recommended to consult the user manual or contact the manufacturer's support team.
The VPL-B1152C-PK12AA servo motor does not have specific programming details listed in our research. For detailed information on programming, it is recommended to consult the user manual or contact the manufacturer's support team.
The installation details for the VPL-B1152C-PK12AA are not directly accessible through our research. However, it is likely available from the manufacturer's website or through a direct request to Rockwell Automation's support team.
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