The part number 445L-105938 is related to the MSR45E Safety Relay Extension, which is a component of the Allen-Bradley MSR41 or MSR42 safety relay systems. This extension provides two normally open (NO) and one normally closed (NC) contact, enhancing the safety and functionality of the safety relay systems.
The technical specifications for this product are not provided in our research, but they can be found in the product catalog or other documentation specific to the MSR41 or MSR42 systems. The documentation available includes installation instructions and technical data, which can be accessed through the Technical Documentation Center on the .
our research do not provide information on alarm or error codes, user manuals, troubleshooting, programming, or installation procedures specific to the MSR45E Safety Relay Extension. However, these resources are likely available in the product documentation or technical support resources provided by Rockwell Automation for the MSR41 or MSR42 systems.