The part number 445L-105894 is a product from Allen-Bradley, a brand of Rockwell Automation. It is categorized under Controls & Indicators, specifically Temperature/Process Control. The product details are not readily available from our research, but it is likely related to a safety light curtain or a component used in industrial automation systems.
Technical Specifications
The technical specifications of the 445L-105894 are not explicitly mentioned in our research. However, similar products from Allen-Bradley, such as the GuardShield Safe 4 and Safe 4 PAC Safety Light Curtains, have specifications like resolution (30 mm or 1.18 in.), protective height, and output load capability. These specifications are detailed in the user manuals and migration reference manuals provided by Rockwell Automation.
Alarm/Error Codes
No specific alarm or error codes are mentioned in our research for the 445L-105894. However, similar products from Allen-Bradley, such as the GuardShield Safe 4 and Safe 4 PAC Safety Light Curtains, have diagnostic status indicators that can indicate errors or malfunctions.
User Manuals
The user manuals for similar products from Allen-Bradley, such as the GuardShield Safe 4 and Safe 4 PAC Safety Light Curtains, provide detailed instructions for installation, configuration, and operation of the equipment. These manuals also include troubleshooting guides and technical specifications.
Troubleshooting for the 445L-105894 is not explicitly detailed in our research. However, similar products from Allen-Bradley, such as the GuardShield Safe 4 and Safe 4 PAC Safety Light Curtains, have troubleshooting guides in their user manuals that cover common issues and solutions.
No programming information is available for the 445L-105894 in our research. However, similar products from Allen-Bradley, such as the GuardShield Safe 4 and Safe 4 PAC Safety Light Curtains, are designed for use in industrial automation systems and may require programming for specific applications. Programming details are typically provided in the product documentation or user manuals.
The installation details for the 445L-105894 are not explicitly mentioned in our research. However, similar products from Allen-Bradley, such as the GuardShield Safe 4 and Safe 4 PAC Safety Light Curtains, have installation guides in their user manuals that cover mounting, wiring, and other installation considerations.
The 445L-105894 is a product from Allen-Bradley, categorized under Controls & Indicators, specifically Temperature/Process Control. While specific details about the product are not readily available from our research, similar products from Allen-Bradley have technical specifications, user manuals, and troubleshooting guides that can provide insight into the product's functionality and usage.
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