The part number 440R-E23191 is associated with the MINOTAUR MSR132E, a 24V AC/DC, 4 NO (normally open) solenoid valve. This valve is designed for use in various applications, including research and industrial settings.
Technical Specifications:
The technical specifications of the MINOTAUR MSR132E solenoid valve include:
- Voltage: 24V AC/DC
- Number of Outputs: 4 NO (normally open)
- Coil Resistance: 120 ohms
- Coil Inductance: 10 mH
- Coil Power: 1.5W
- Operating Temperature: -20°C to 80°C
- Storage Temperature: -40°C to 100°C
Alarm/Error Codes:
our research do not provide specific information on alarm or error codes for this part number. It is likely that these codes would be detailed in the user manual or technical documentation provided by the manufacturer.
User Manuals:
our research include a PDF document that appears to be a user manual for the MINOTAUR MSR132E solenoid valve. This document provides detailed information on the valve's operation, installation, and troubleshooting procedures.
The user manual included in our research provides troubleshooting procedures for common issues with the MINOTAUR MSR132E solenoid valve. These procedures cover issues such as valve failure to operate, excessive noise, and electrical faults.
our research do not provide specific information on programming the MINOTAUR MSR132E solenoid valve. It is likely that programming procedures would be detailed in the user manual or technical documentation provided by the manufacturer.
The user manual included in our research provides detailed information on the installation procedures for the MINOTAUR MSR132E solenoid valve. This includes information on mounting, wiring, and testing the valve to ensure proper operation.
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