The part number researched is 20F1AGC140JN0NNNNN. This part number is associated with a specific product from Rockwell Automation, a leading manufacturer of industrial automation and control systems. The product is an Allen-Bradley 753 AC Drive, Air Cooled, Open Type, 400V AC 3 PH, 140 Amps, 75kW ND, 55kW HD, AC In w/Prchg, no.
Technical Specifications
- Product Type: Allen-Bradley 753 AC Drive
- Cooling Type: Air Cooled
- Type: Open Type
- Voltage: 400V AC
- Phases: 3
- Current: 140 Amps
- Power: 75kW ND, 55kW HD
- Input: AC In w/Prchg
- No: No additional specifications mentioned
Alarm/Error Codes
No specific alarm or error codes mentioned for this product
User Manuals
No specific user manual mentioned for this product
No specific troubleshooting information mentioned for this product
No specific programming information mentioned for this product
No specific installation information mentioned for this product
our research provided do not contain detailed information on user manuals, troubleshooting, programming, or installation for the 20F1AGC140JN0NNNNN part number. However, they do provide technical specifications and certifications for the product.
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