The part number 170-PWY370 is a product from Rockwell Automation, specifically designed for use in industrial automation applications. It is part of the Rapid Components Catalog for EMEA (Europe, Middle East, and Africa) and is categorized under IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) accessories. The product details are not explicitly mentioned in our research, but it is likely related to power wiring kits or shorting bars for use with IEC contactors.
our research do not provide detailed technical specifications, alarm or error codes, user manuals, troubleshooting guides, programming instructions, or installation procedures for the 170-PWY370. The product description and features are more focused on the Tencor P-170 Stylus Profiler, which is a different product used in the semiconductor and related industries for measuring 2D and 3D step heights, texture, thin film stress, and 2D shape or bow.
For more detailed information on the 170-PWY370, it is recommended to contact Rockwell Automation directly or consult their official documentation and support resources.
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