The part number 170-PW370 is a component from the PF750 Series of AC Drives by RS Components. It is designed to operate in demanding performance specifications and features several key components:
Technical Specifications
- Analog Out
- 6 Digital In
- 2 Relay Outputs
- 24V Aux Power Supply
- Incremental Encoder
- Dual Incremental Encoder
- Safe Torque Off
- Safe Speed Monitor
- Networked Integrated Safety Functions
- Internal Brake Resistors
- EMC Plate with Core
- IP21/NEMA 1 Kit
Alarm/Error Codes
No specific information on alarm or error codes is provided in our research.
User Manuals
No user manuals are directly linked to the part number 170-PW370 in our research. However, user manuals for the PF750 Series are likely available from RS Components or other sources.
Troubleshooting information for the PF750 Series is not directly linked to the part number 170-PW370. However, troubleshooting guides for the series are likely available from RS Components or other sources.
No specific information on programming for the part number 170-PW370 is provided in our research. However, programming information for the PF750 Series is likely available from RS Components or other sources.
No specific information on installation for the part number 170-PW370 is provided in our research. However, installation guides for the PF750 Series are likely available from RS Components or other sources.
In summary, the part number 170-PW370 is a component from the PF750 Series of AC Drives by RS Components, designed for demanding performance specifications. While detailed information on user manuals, troubleshooting, programming, and installation is not directly linked to this part number, it is likely available from RS Components or other sources for the PF750 Series.
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