The part number 150-A97NCDC is a discontinued product from Rockwell Automation, specifically a Dialog Plus Smart Motor Controller. The product was announced as discontinued on July 31, 2014, and is no longer available for sale. There is no planned replacement from Rockwell Automation.
The technical specifications for this product are not publicly available, as they are only accessible through the product catalog. However, the user manual and technical data are available through the Literature Library results.
The product was part of the Allen-Bradley line of products from Rockwell Automation, which is known for its industrial automation and control systems. The Dialog Plus Smart Motor Controller was designed for use in industrial settings where precise motor control is required.
The product was discontinued due to its age and the advancement of newer technologies in the field of industrial automation. The discontinuation of this product does not affect the availability of other products from Rockwell Automation, which continue to be used in various industrial applications.
In summary, the part number 150-A97NCDC is a discontinued Dialog Plus Smart Motor Controller from Rockwell Automation, which was announced as no longer available for sale on July 31, 2014. The technical specifications are not publicly available, but the user manual and technical data are accessible through the Literature Library results.
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